Recognizing The Signs Of Depression In The Elderly

Depression can impact any person at any time, regardless of his/her age. So why is depression commonly seen as an emotional ramification of getting older? The truth is that with ample support and treatment, elderly individuals can lead happy, healthy and fulfilling lives. It’s important, however, to be able to recognize the signs of depression in our elderly loved ones so that it can be treated.

According to the Mood Disorders Society of Canada, “it is estimated that 5% to 10% (of seniors) will experience a depressive disorder that is serious enough to require treatment. And the rate of anxiety and depression dramatically increases to 30% to 40% for seniors living in institutions. The great news is that most people with depression (over 80%) respond well to treatment and achieve a complete and lasting recovery.”

What are the signs that may indicate a senior is depressed?

Here is an excellent infographic outlining the symptoms of depression in the elderly and how you can recognize the signs. You should keep your eye out for negative thoughts, difficulty sleeping, fatigue, sadness, weight loss, increased use of alcohol or drugs. If you observe these symptoms in a loved one you should talk about them with  their doctor to find out if depression is the cause.

Depression in the Elderly - Recognize the Signs

Companionship services on a regular basis can have significant impact on the quality of life for a senior!  The emotional connection is as much a contributor to quality of life and longevity as the physical needs! 

Senior Homecare by Angels is proud to have a team of professional home care providers who are trained to deal with the symptoms of depression in the elderly. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 403-862-0129 or outside of Calgary, toll-free at 1-877-209-6142.

You may also visit our Contact Us page to complete and submit a simple contact form, and we’ll contact you.

~ Senior Homecare by Angels Calgary Team